Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don’t Ask The Shirtless Guys At The Front Door About Their Ab Workout.

It is hard to explain the incredibly uncomfortable feeling a 45 year old man gets when he walks into Abercrombie and Fitch to buy a t-shirt. The looks you get are mean, nasty, and reek of Ageism! You feel like a creep when all you want is a 100% cotton t-shirt that doesn’t shrink.

If you do find yourself in this situation here are some tips. Just go in, and go right to the t-shirt department. If you’re going to the one on Broadway and Houston, the t-shirts are on the second floor to the right. Trust me on this, I’ve been there hundreds of times. Don’t stop and hang out in the women’s section where they sell the sweatpants with the A&F on the ass, just walk through a few times like you’re looking for the cashier. Wear sunglasses. Yes you’ll look even creepier, but they hide the crow’s feet around your eyes and no one will see what you’re staring at. Finally, don’t ask the shirtless guys at the front door about their ab workout. Yes, this is a perfectly reasonable question, but it can be taken the wrong way.


  1. That store is for teenagers.

  2. Anonymous, thank you for your comment. You are correct. Although, if I'm correct, that fact was the basis for the humor.
