Friday, July 1, 2011

Sad Pandas

Can someone send me proof that there is such a thing as the World Wildlife Fund or WWF? I'm almost positive that the WWF is a shell corporation created by the ad community so we can do huge posters and double page spreads and win metal in the PSA categories. I have never seen an ad for the WWF out in the real world. You'd think there would be a 2 minute infomercial with a Sarah McLachlan song and pictures of sad pandas or something, but there is not. All I've ever seen are visual puns at the Andy's, Cannes, and One Show. I went to and it is not a site that helps endangered animals, it is a place holder for something called the Wrestler Tour. Now that is a client! Wrestlers on tour. Let's see more ads for those guys.


  1. Also, why does everyone say Nike and Apple when they talk about the BEST clients? I mean, don't we all know Wonder Bra, Lego, Bic pens and Preparation H are really the clients that do the most award winning ads?

  2. Lego is real, and very wealthy. They often buy billboards in Thailand, and DPS's in Singapore.

  3. Agree on Lego. They've been doing some beautiful stuff.
